There was so much joy to be found this week! Kate and I got to return to an old favorite: Story time with Miss Judy! I went to Toddler Time and Katie and Mommy went to Infant Story Time while I was at school.
There was also joy at Katy Mills... what a magical place I have so close to me! (Where else can a girl watch fish in a huge tank, ride a carousel, and send money down the spiral thingy all in one place?)
I found joy at Tyler's 2nd birthday party - he had a bounce house! - and at swim, and during my after nap treats, and at "new church", and at lunch with my friend Summer... It was really a joyous week!
I also spent a lot of time loving on my sweet sister. I've composed the following in her honor:
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
I love thee proudly, of all your new accomplishments (giggling, sitting in the Bumbo chair, rolling from front to back...)
I love thee generously, with all of my belongings (especially my books and princesses)
I love thee protectively, fighting off other toddlers who might try to take a peek at you (if anyone is going to suffocate you with hugs, it's going to be me!)
I love thee helpfully, replacing your pacifier when you loose it and helping with diaper changes ("replacing might not be a strong enough word... "shoving" might be better... and admittedly, I've been known to run away if I realize your diaper is dirty...)
I love thee thoroughly!
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