My absolute favorite moment of every week comes at the end of the day on Thursday. Like a good obsessive parent, I get to Avery's classroom just slightly earlier than allowed and peek through the window. There's my little lady, rolling around on her nap mat.
Then she sees me. It's this magical moment when I'm reunited with my best little buddy. I get a good squeeze and a "Mommy!" - which is all I could ask for to let me know she's both missed me and that she's had a great, enriching day. I'm either well rested or feeling productive, and ready to re-enter the world where chatter never stops and authority is constantly questioned. She bubbles over with information for me about the day: "Mama, Reese-y fun!" or "Miss Joo-jah hold 'brella." (Huh?) I always say that the lower her pigtails, the more fun I know she's had.
As soon as we get to the car, we call Daddy, who gets to hear all about the school day first hand.
For me, Thursdays at 2 pm are a constant reminder of how blessed we are to have such a lively girl. I get to miss her all day, and then in that moment, I'm rewarded with a slightly tired, but happy toddler. It's one of a million tiny day to day memories that I never want to fade or to take for granted.
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