On New Year's Eve, I got to spend the night with Nana and DD and swim in their hot tub. Who knew you could swim all winter, with just the flip of a switch?!?
I also got to go on my 2nd ever Big Girl Date with Mommy and Daddy this week. We saw Bolt at a place called the movie theater. Mama told me all week about it, telling me how the screen would be big and it would be loud and so neat. I remembered something like that - Mr. Adam and Ms. Erin's media room! I told Mama I was ready to go to "Mr. Adam Ms. Erin house."
Well, it wasn't Mr. Adam Ms. Erin house, but the big screen and LOUD noises were so much fun! I loved the 16 oz slushie (I drank it all before Mama got wise) and the popcorn and the gummy bears. Bolt was a fun movie, and during the scary parts, Daddy would hold me close and let me cover my face with my lovey.
Click here for more pictures from the week
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