Monday, May 25, 2009

Last Days

This week, Sister celebrated her last days of school and swim lessons. At school, she got to have a water fun day and eat pizza and ice cream! Mommy and I enjoyed one last day of Avery-free infant storytime before picking her up. Mommy cried a little when she thought of how grown up her big girl is... no more first of anything school related anymore!

I also got to sit up in a high chair at Rainforest Cafe for the first time and sit in the grocery cart next to Sister like a big girl, too. I got another new tooth this week, rounding me out at 5 teeth in 7 months. Mommy finally gave in to my constant reaching and gave me my first biter biscuit and veggie wheel this week. Mesmerizing.

We also enjoyed a trip to the zoo, complete with a train ride this week as well. And what week is complete without a little fun at Katy Mills?

I'd say the only thing we didn't enjoy this week was the food. Mommy keeps trying to feed me things that are absolutely unacceptable. If it isn't sweet potatoes, apples, or pears - don't try it. Peaches, broccoli, green beans, squash, bananas... they send me into screaming fits. Just don't try it. Everyone will be better for it. Trust me.



Kate Knows What She Likes McClinton

Sunday, May 17, 2009


This week, my Mimi and Gran and "that other yady I yove" (Aunt Melinda) came in town to help Aunt Amanda celebrate her new baby (still unamed - we know how that goes!). We got to play and dance and be with Daddy, Gran, and DD while Mommy went to Aunt Amanda's shower.

Mommy and Daddy also celebrated trying new things on their date Saturday night. Mommy said she ate sushi - she told me it is fish that doesn't get to get cooked first! (It's not as bad as Mommy thought it would be.) I didn't care what they were doing because I was too busy spending time making Sister laugh, laugh, laugh!

Today, I celebrated moving into a big girl class at church. I got to see Mr. Whiskers the puppet and play with Ms. Nicole and Mr. Brad. Mommy told me that Ms. Nicole is going to be a White C-rah Bride, but I didn't see her white dress when I got to church. What was that about?
The best part of all was that at lunch, Mommy asked the classic after-church question: "What did you learn in church today?" And to her surprise, I had an answer! Sometimes I'm hard for other people to understand, so the transcript is as follows:

"Avery, what did you learn in church today?"
"Jesus was in the tomb."
"Jesus was in the tomb? And then what happened?"
"He come out 'cause he's 'ayive' (alive)."

(Sorry it's sideways)

There isn't anything in this world that is as important to Mommy that I learn than this, so Ms. Nicole and Mr. Brad have now been officially placed on the pedestal for teachers in my life!

Click here for pictures of the week


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kate's News

Guess what?!? There's this place in the middle of your body - a waist, I hear it's called - and it bends! Once it's bent, sitting just sort of happens. And once sitting happens, apparently a whole world opens up. I get to sit in the bath, to watch tv, and it makes reaching for things and chewing on stuff so much easier!

This week, my favorite places to sit (and lay) were the Splash Pad and swimming pool. Ooooh, hot weather is going to be fun!

We also visited a noisy place where Stars danced on a stage and sister begged to be allowed to join them.

And today we celebrated Mother's Day with Mama. Mother's Day must be a holiday just for extra hugs and kisses, because that's the biggest difference I noticed. Sister made Mommy a special card for Mother's Day, with Miss Georgia and Miss Jennifer's help. It read:

"My mom is 3 years old. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her favorite food is salad. Her favorite show is Mommy TV. My favorite thing to do with Mom is to paint with Mom."

Oh, through the eyes of a 2.5 year old!


Kate Sits Up McClinton

PS - I got two new teeth this week! My top two middle teeth haven't come in yet, but I am channeling my inner Bella and have the two teeth on either side of them. Vampires are totally in.

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's a Boy!

Movies like Hotel Rwanda and Slumdog Millionaire have always been an issue for me.  On the one hand, I'm glad truth finds it way into pop culture, but on the other, I spend a lot of time wondering what truth is really worth when there is little I can do about problems so huge.

Enter Melissa and Angie's blogs.  Go read them.  You will be mesmerized.  They are bloggers that I follow (I'm a closet blog stalker) who recently took a trip to India with Compassion.  I've known of Compassion my whole life but it has never been very real to me.  I mean, it sort of seemed like a "good" thing to do.  Man, their blogs changed me and my views.  Seriously, go read them.  Find where they announce they're headed to Calcutta and read forward from there. 

So, suddenly all I could think of was movies like Hotel Rwanda and The Constant Gardener and even dear ole Jack Bauer in 24: Redemption.  I mean, there is so, so much pain in the world and here I am, somehow, just by coincidence, born into the wealthiest nation in the world.  I mean, who am I that God allowed me to be born into such wealth?  I could just as easily have been living among the millions and millions all over the world who starve to death and die of things like diarrhea because they drink bad water.  

So, we decided to sponsor a kid.  I guess I thought it would cost a lot.  $32 ya'll.  $32.  I mean, we're on a pretty tight budget and $32 is half of what we spend on date nights each month.  And - get this - it is MORE THAN what our new child's dad makes in a month.  When he can find work every day.  Which he sometimes doesn't.  Yeah, suddenly our "tight budget" seems like extravagance.

Anywho, we went online, filled out some info, and got to the part where we get to select a kid.  You can choose a child based on birth date, country, whatever.  Or you can choose to sponsor the kid whose been waiting to be sponsored the longest.  Which of course brought to mind images of those beautiful starving kids in all of those movies.  So I picked that.  

Jordan and I have been joking around, wondering if our new kid is a boy or a girl.  I mean, we reasoned, we're so good at girls.  But, we thought, maybe this is our chance to have our boy.  Haha.

Our Compassion information came today, and I'm excited to announce: It's a Boy!  We're proud "parents" of Aravind, a little man from India (who turns 9 in July!)  Even after the blogs (that you seriously should go read...), I wasn't sure how much this little guy would really mean to me.  I mean, really.

(This is where I would put a picture of our new child if I could figure out my scanner and/or my husband was home to help me...) :)

Oh, man.  I love him.  I love looking at his sweet little face.  I'm hooked.  I am already thinking of ways to cut our excessive American budget more so we can sponsor another child.  This is what life is about!

As soon as I got the girls in bed tonight, this was the first thing I wanted to do.  I'm just so excited about Aravind.  Our little man.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Odds and Ends

It was an odd week. First, it rained so hard on Monday night that on Tuesday Daddy had to stay home because of all the flooding around his office. Then, people started talking about some pigs and apparently they're scary enough to shut down schools (Mommy says: why don't they treat the stomach bug with this much caution?!?). Then, this weekend, instead of staying at home, Daddy had to go in to work Saturday and Sunday. It was an odd week!

In other news:
*I had my date night with Mommy and Daddy at Pump It Up this week. Good times!
*Katie got a new hair style and looks an awful lot like Cindy Lou Who.
*Nana and DD heated up the pool so we could swim! Welcome, summer! (It was Kate's first swim in a pool, and she had a lot to take in.)
*On Thursday, I told Miss Erin all about nursing, including naming body parts. Mommy had a long chat with me later to make sure I understand that this is both a beautiful way to feed a baby and also a very private thing. She told me that's why she uses a blanket in public. At church today, I asked Mommy for her blanket and put it on before "nursing" my baby.
*We got the rest of the pictures back from Miss Kristin, and they're amazing! She makes our family look like artwork.
*DD bought me a new fairy costume on his business trip and it was reason for quite the dance.

Click here to watch me dance on You Tube (Mommy didn't trust the quality of Google's Picasa videos to show how precious I was dancing... Also, it's long, but the first 30 seconds are the best. Mama's not so good at editing for length)

Click here for pictures from the week

Click here for professional pics

Avery, Dancing Queen