Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kate's News

Guess what?!? There's this place in the middle of your body - a waist, I hear it's called - and it bends! Once it's bent, sitting just sort of happens. And once sitting happens, apparently a whole world opens up. I get to sit in the bath, to watch tv, and it makes reaching for things and chewing on stuff so much easier!

This week, my favorite places to sit (and lay) were the Splash Pad and swimming pool. Ooooh, hot weather is going to be fun!

We also visited a noisy place where Stars danced on a stage and sister begged to be allowed to join them.

And today we celebrated Mother's Day with Mama. Mother's Day must be a holiday just for extra hugs and kisses, because that's the biggest difference I noticed. Sister made Mommy a special card for Mother's Day, with Miss Georgia and Miss Jennifer's help. It read:

"My mom is 3 years old. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her favorite food is salad. Her favorite show is Mommy TV. My favorite thing to do with Mom is to paint with Mom."

Oh, through the eyes of a 2.5 year old!


Kate Sits Up McClinton

PS - I got two new teeth this week! My top two middle teeth haven't come in yet, but I am channeling my inner Bella and have the two teeth on either side of them. Vampires are totally in.


  1. She looks so grown up sitting up. What a big girl!

  2. Where did you get those personalized swimsuits? They are adorable! Also, I just can't get over how much Kate looks like's uncanny.

  3. Yeah Katie!!

    Oh my gosh I love those swimsuits.

    What is Mommy TV? Apparently I'm not a bonafide mother, cause I don't watch it....
