Christmas with Nana and DD is always done up right, and this year was no exception!
We started with a first class lunch from Chef Emeril "DD" Wales. Later on, we got to go to a candlelit service at Nana and DD's church. The most exciting moment of the night came when I was helping Daddy hold the candle. I was being ever so careful, but curiosity got the better of me and I leaned over to see Amanda and David's candles, too. Well, I leaned right into the candle and POOF! my hair caught fire! There's a section of my head that had soot marks on it and that is bald from the fire. Because Daddy was such a fast-acting hero and "patted" out the fire so quickly, it's only a small spot (also, I hear, hair doesn't really burn, it just smokes...). In all of Mommy's years of going to candlelit services, she's never once heard of someone catching on fire. I guess it takes an Avery Leigh to do something like that!
After all of that excitement, we got to go to Nana and DD's for presents. I got some wonderful things, but the best present of all was an authentic, straight from Disney World, Cinderella castle complete with singing doors, lights, all the princesses and their princes, and even Minnie and Mickey sculpted plants! This thing could not be more magical, and I have been playing with it every moment I can since I opened it!
Chef DD and the castle
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