Sunday, September 26, 2010

Things I Love

Things I Love by Kitty Bit

1. Shoes! Always have. Won't go anywhere without my Princess heels or boots.

2. Gunkey, Ooh Ooh, and Baby. All three are mandatory for a good night's sleep.

3. Pacis! Yes, I gave mine up a year ago, but I found a stray at Nana's house and suck on it the entire time I'm there.

4. Frogs. Either I love them, or I hate them. But they reduce me to loud squeals, arm flaps, and spinning circles of joy. Or fear.

5. Sometimes snakes. But Mommy says that's an unmentionable. So I guess they aren't officially on my list.

6. Books. Not so much to read, but pulling off the shelves in loud, satisfying thuds and then looking at the pictures. Awesomeness.

7. Babies. Not real ones, they freak me out. But pretend ones. I love those kind.


  1. Such cute photos this week! Love those kiddos!

  2. I really like the "high heel" shoes. She really thinks she is big.
