Sunday, September 12, 2010

Playing with Babies

Amelia spent the night at Nana and DD's house this weekend and Katie and I went to play with her some.

We tried playing Play-Doh. It wasn't working! Kate stayed at the Play-Doh table with me, but that Amelia - she wasn't staying put! It made me sort of frust-er-ated (which, by the way, is one of my favorite words) so Nana told me that Amelia isn't really old enough to play with Play-Doh like I like to play. She told me that if I wanted us to all play together, I might have to change how I played.

Then Nana told me that it was developmentally appropriate for Amelia to stack things and knock them down. So, I stacked the Play-Doh containers and Amelia knocked them down. Kate played happily at the table with her Play-Doh. At last! We were all playing together and all having a wonderful time.

I guess when you play with babies, you can't just tell them what to do. I guess they aren't like Kate.

Avery "Developmentally Appropriate Play" McClinton

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet for Avery to teach Amelia to play. Before you know it, she will be playing dress-up with them.
