Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Big News This Week... that I got my haircut!

This week I heard Mommy and Daddy talking about my hair. They were saying something about it getting too long and stringy and then I heard Nana (lovingly) call me "Cousin It". There was some discussion of cutting it off into a bob, but Mama is too in love with my curls to let that happen.

Cousin It

Even though a bob was out of the question, all that talking got Mama thinking and so while I was outside playing in the water, she came out with some scissors. I knew what was up, and started crying and saying, "I don't want a haircut". Mama paid me no attention and snipped away.

My first ever hair cut!

Apparently she'd never cut hair before, because she seemed a little unsure of herself and was surprised that 2 inches off the sides equals more like 5 inches from the back. Oops!

But Daddy says all is well, I still have my curls and it's long enough for styling. He says I look beautiful - and of course I reply, "Like Aurora."

The wave in my curls makes this look crooked - but Mama thinks it is actually pretty straight.

We had other fun this week also - St. Patrick painting, story time, and decorating for Easter. Kate didn't feel great this week, so we skipped our Friday activity and found fun around the house. (She's feeling much better now.) Kate stayed busy trying to sit from a laying position - she was unsuccessful, of course, but is building some killer stomach muscles. She had to be content sitting propped up on the couch with help instead.

Click here for pictures.

Avery "Where Are My Curls?" McClinton


  1. Love the picture of Kate sitting on Jordan's shoulder while he is on the couch. Avery's hair is darling. Love, Nanny

  2. you did a great job. i keep trying to cut jenna's bangs but they never seem to come out straight. hope to see you at the shower this weekend!
