Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby Egucashun

This weekend was Reese's Baby Egucashun. I thought an egucashun was what happened at school, but we dressed Reesie up in a fancy white dress (that mom and dad say Kate and I both wore) and then we went to church. Nana, DD, Kate and I watched while Mommy and Daddy went to the front of the church with Reese while Mr. Clint, Ms. Tonia and Mr. Andrew all prayed and talked about Reese.

After the Egucashun, we had another McClinton baby tradition. Most kids get their first cake at their birthday, but not in our family! It started when Great-Mimi brought me a cake and let me taste it when I was dedicated. I LOVED the icing and lunged for more. And since I got a cake, it was only fair that Kate got to try cake at her dedication as well. She was less impressed with the cake than I was. Now... Reese's turn!

Reese reached for the cake and wasn't sure what to do with it once it was on her fingers. It took a while but finally she tasted it. She made a surprised face and didn't go back for more. She much preferred her sweet potatoes. Go figure.


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