Friday, March 5, 2010

Avery, Version 3.5

I'm 3 and a half now, which I remind my family of on a regular basis. As a 3.5 year old, I have a few new thoughts on life. For one, those so-called "rules" are much more palatable when taken as mere suggestions. Mom and Dad aren't on the same page with this one... yet.

I'm really having fun with rhyming words: "cat rhymes with bat and mat and gat". Sometimes, though, I get a little confused: "kite rhymes with high". I'm working on it.

At school, we're doing a Dr. Seuss unit and we made green eggs and ham in class:
"Sam I Am called Miss Michelle! He told her, 'Here's how you make green eggs and ham. Eggs. Ham. Food Coloring. Mizzapizzah!'" (Mizzapizzah is alive and well. Apparently even Sam I Am uses it.)

The last page of The Cat in the Hat reads, "Then our mother came in and she said to us two, 'Did you have any fun? Tell me. What did you do?' ... Should we tell her about it? Now, what SHOULD we do? Well...What would YOU do if your mother asked you?" Every time we read the book, Mommy says, "You'd tell Mommy, right? Because Mommy and Avery don't have any secrets, right?"

Well, at school, we read The Cat in the Hat and then we got to tell Miss Michelle what we would do if the Cat in the Hat came to our house. My friends said things like, "I'd fly a kite with Thing 1 and Thing 2", or "I'd hang from the lights!" When it was my turn, I said, "I would tell my Mommy."

I'm also figuring out really effective reasoning techniques. One night, after 11 hugs, Mommy told me no more hugs tonight. So, I cried in my room for a while, and then:
"Mommy. If you come hug me, I can stop crying and then I can sleep. But if you tell me no, then it will make me cry so hard and I cannot sleep when I cry so hard!" Mommy couldn't argue with such solid logic.

But don't try to get me to talk if I don't want to. Sometimes I turn into a Pterodactyl and only screech.

CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES OF THE WEEK (Including my first pretend-sleepover and Aunt Amanda's birthday at Clay's)

Avery v.3.5

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