I'm living my dream.
When I was young and couldn't sleep at night, I'd lose myself in fantasy worlds. I didn't dream of being a princess or a ballerina. I didn't want to be a rock star. I wanted to be a mommy. I'd lay awake at night, dreaming of the day I could hold my very own little ones in my arms.
Several times a week, I catch myself with a silly grin (often with a tear as well), just soaking in these moments that are so fleeting and so very precious. The way that Avery says "Mama", the way that Kate stares at her daddy when he walks in a room, the days full of learning and playing and cuddling... it's all a dream come true. I'll take the dishes and laundry and constant clutter. With it comes the most blessed moments I've lived through yet.
This week, Katie Bear turns four months old, and Avery Bean turns two and a half, so I'm indulging myself and "taking over" the weekly update.
Kate entered the world issuing forth sweetness and continues to steal our hearts with her tiny, 11 pound 2 ounce body. Jordan and I think the best descriptive word for her is unassuming. When we lavish love upon her, she grins at us with such surprise and joy - as if to say, "aw, gee - you're really here for me?" She rolls front to back and sits proudly in the Bumbo, but is too content laying on her back to roll onto her tummy yet. She coos and chirps with big bright eyes and absolutely fills our lives in completely opposite but complementary ways to her sister.
I wondered when Avery was born how people could tell me it only got better from there. She was so small and so precious and a part of me never wanted those days to end, so I couldn't imagine it being even better than that. Now, I understand. That child is so full of life and spunk and "stinkerness" and I absolutely adore her as a two and a half year old. Watching her figure out her world and explore communication is like seeing it all again myself. I love hearing her ask me, "w-w-w-w-whah choo do-een, Mama?" (What you doing, Mama?) She told Jordan the other day, "You can go to work, Daddy. I can handle it." Neither one of us knew exactly where she had heard that before, much like many of the things she says these days. I don't ever want to forget the way she looks as a two and a half year old girl, running around our backyard or splashing in the tub or hunched over her sister, sharing toys, singing, or giving kisses.
Happy 4 months today, Katie and 2 and a half years later in the week, Avery.
And thank you, God, for this dream come true. These days are just too precious.
Click here for pictures from our routine, but precious, week! (Some of them are too precious to miss!)
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