Monday, August 25, 2008

Adventure Girl

This week I kept busy by hosting playgroup on Tuesday (we got cupcakes to celebrate Hannah's new baby sister and her birthday - all on the same day!), playing with daddy at Focus Group while mommy was at a meeting, hanging out with Nonnie, Bob, and Great-Nonnie, and taking pictures to prepare for my playgroup birthday party (we're all going to celebrate together since our BDs are all within 2 weeks). I had a great week, but the real story is about this weekend!

This weekend, my daddy and I had very different adventures. He went on an adventure race, but this time was different. He was asked to head up the second team and be their team captain, and he and my friend David's daddy, Mr. Jesse, were in charge of navigating and orienteering for the first time ever. Daddy's trip took him to Killeen, where the weather was HOT and the course unforgiving! They did amazingly well, and Daddy made us proud withhis trekking, kayaking, ropes climbing (sort of - see pics), and mountain biking. However, after 13 hours of the 24 hour race, one of Daddy's teammates got really sick from heat exhaustion and dehydration and the team had to make the tough decision not to finish the race. We're so proud of Daddy and how he stepped up even more for this race than ever before! (As a side note, Daddy's "sister" team did really well. Ms. Debbie and Mr. Brian finished the race at 6 am with only 7 check points missing - which is really an incredible race! Go Teams Never Last and Never Fast!)

While Daddy was away at his adventure, I was busy on an adventure of my own. I got to go to my friend Summer's 5 year old Dalmation birthday party (during which we wore adorable costumes but the camera was with Daddy) and show Mommy the ropes at swim class on Saturday (my teacher, Miss Shell, said she'd never heard such big alligator tears when I tried to show Mommy how hard it is to float on my back). My favorite, and most time-consuming activity this weekend was (can you guess???) dancing. I wore several different costumes and demanded Nana and Granddaddy's full participation. It was so much fun that I chose dancing over swimming, playing with my toys, and even eating sometimes! We also tried to take my 2 year old pictures on Saturday, and Mommy brought two changes of clothes, a cake she'd made for the pictures, and even my Tink props, but when we got to the studio, I changed my mind. The Picture People gave me two chances to try to take pics, but I was sure that taking pictures is a form of torture in some countries and never even let them snap one shot. (Luckily, Nana and Granddaddy were there to get a pic with some proof.)

It was an adventurous weekend for Mommy AND for Daddy...

Adventure Girl Avery

Click here for pictures

PS - Last week, my Beloved Pie (pacifier) got a hole in it, and instead of a new one magically appearing as it normally does, I was stuck with the "Froken Pie". I chose not to sleep with it anymore starting on Tuesday and have been adjusting to my last step into big-girl-hood. It has been a LONG week for me, Mommy, and Daddy while we've been dealing with the sorrow of losing such a precious thing, but PRAISE GOD, I slept my normal amount last night and have been acting much more like myself today!

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