*Boosterthon Fun Run and Field Day with Avery’s class –
Avery, still in cast, was only able to participate minimally. But rather than let it get her down, she
decided to be the best cheerleader/water fetcher the world has ever known. Complete with sig
ns that read, “I knew you
could do it!”, she cheered her friends on like a champ.
*Camp Learn-a-Lot - Mom's last volunteering time at Stanley and Avery's wrap up to the school year was Camp Learn-a-Lot. We camped out in the pet rock room and Kate (in an owl beanie despite the heat) even got her own pet rock.
*Kate’s last day at school – One more year at St. Peter’s
for this girl, who grew in leaps and bounds this year. Her confidence and assertiveness have really
taken off.
*Girl Scouts - Avery bridged with her troop from Daisy to Brownie. We'll wait to see if we stay in Girl Scouts next year, but she certainly would be in a new troop so this was a good time to say goodbye. We also celebrated the end of the year with her troop at a Build a Bear party. Sister Reese tagged along and rearranged the store repeatedly while Avery enjoyed her party.
*Reese’s last Little Gym class – She did it the same way she
did all of the other classes: she owned what she wanted to own and didn’t do
the parts she didn’t feel like doing.
*Avery’s celebration of learning and last day of school –
During her Celebration of Learning, Avery earned the “Creativity Award” for
“being so creative – sometimes more than I can even follow,” as her teacher put
it. And on the last day at her old
school, Avery came across the street as a walker for the very last time, tears
in her eyes. She gets it – saying
goodbye to her school and her classmates was not easy for her tender heart.
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