Avery, demonstrating the "Fit It All In" Approach:
"What? There's a week left of summer?!? Let's fill it! Fill it! How many playdates can we get on the calendar? And do you think we have time to make it back to that awesome pool one more time? And maybe one more trip to our neighborhood pool? And maybe we can make cupcakes to take to the teacher? Oh, and let's campout in the backyard for our very last night of summer!"
Kate, the "Quiet, Thoughtful... but Accepting" Approach:
At our first playgroup without big sister, after picking out her snack, she stands and looks around with a lost expression on her face. "Mommy? Where's Avery?" Mommy tells her Avery isn't here, but look at all of the friends who are here... "Then, Mommy? Where do I sit?" Without her BFF and boss, Kate felt a bit misplaced, but quietly found a spot and life continued without tears.
And on the way home from dropping Avery off on the first day of school, she called out, "Avery, look at...!" and then realized her Avery girl was gone. Again, no tears, just quiet acceptance.
Reese, the "Let It All Out" Approach:
After Avery was picked up for a big girl playdate with a school friend last week, Reese stood at the door and cried for a good 5 minutes at her sister's absence.
First grade has begun, and it is exciting and natural for Avery girl. It's easier on Mommy than last year, when everything was new. And it is very, very good for all three girls: Avery craves the challenges and creativity that school allows her; Kate comes alive with a bit more space to think, talk and play; and Reese gets just a bit more attention when there's one less child around during the day. Transitions and changes are inevitable, and not half bad, really.
So long, Summer 2012! Click here for pictures
This blog is my favorite out of all your blogs. So simply beautifully written and oh how it is almost spot on to how my older take on life. I needed to read this tonight...it just calmed my soul as I am in the midst of amazing transition right now.