Reese's first day at Little Gym - As one might expect from Reese, she was either happily observant or happily participating through the whole class. Occasionally, she'd stop and look around and smile, like she couldn't imagine a world that revolved around kids her age. We happen to think that The Little Gym is like Disney World for 1 year olds.
Kate and Avery's first dance class - Both girls were ecstatic about this. The dance company is very age-appropriate and focuses on the enjoyment of dance as well as the technical stuff, so the girls came out beaming and showing off their new moves.
Avery's 6th birthday - Big girl celebrated on Friday at school on morning announcements, sharing a cookie cake with her class, being sung to ("my cheeks turned red while they were singing"), and a spend the night at Nana and D's house (her choice - no sister for a buddy, just her). When she was given the option of any food in the whole world for her birthday dinner, big girl picked noodles with butter and cheese.
Celebrating Avery's 6th birthday with family - In true Avery form, she picked celebrating her birthday meal at the Galleria. She likes to eat at The Cheesecake Factory and stop in at her two favorite stores; Disney Store and Lego Store. The girl has really good taste.
Avery's baptism - On Sunday, Avery got baptized. Over the summer, at our church's Splash Camp, she decided to become a Christian and was tentative about getting baptized in front of a bunch of people but was resolute on following through with her decision. It helped that Daddy was the one who baptized her. We're so proud of her for doing something intimidating out of her own desire to obey God.
And a teething, grumpy baby - enough said.
Click here for pictures of the week
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