-Sleep until sometime between 6-7:30. Wake up with a dirty diaper. This is a non-negotiable.
-Bottle and Eat. And eat. And eat.
-Try to convince Mom that a sink bath is necessary using 'smear and smoosh' tactics.
-Get ready for:
Monday: Gymnastics with Kate. Flirt with Ms. Emilee. Make a fuss about sitting still... this will lead Mom to give in and let me play on the equipment. Score!
After gymnastics, hang out in the church nursery while Mom goes to Bible Study. Vary between grumpy baby and sweet baby. Gotta keep 'em on their toes!
Tuesday: Drop Kate off at school and then off to BSF childcare! The women there are sweet, nurturing, and excited to see me. But it's still pretty key to occasionally cry so hard that they have to go get Mommy from class. What would life be like without a little variety?
Thursday: My day!! Storytime at the library. Coo and giggle as much as possible to positively reinforce Mommy's efforts to give me time of my own. Chew on books while Sister 'reads' them to me. Generally enjoy being the center of the activity.
Friday: Nana Day! Meet Nana at St. Peter's to drop off Kate, and in the event that Nana comes with breakfast (as she often does), stuff my face again. It's the best way to show appreciation. At Nana's; either sleep the entire time (it's so much quieter without sisters there!) or woo Nana and DD away from their tasks with giggles and tricks. One-on-one day is the best!
Sometimes, if the setting is just right and I feel like it, I nap. Other days, I chase Sisters around while they engage in various forms of play:
Slip and slide outside
Splash Pad
Tea Party
OR, help Mommy with things like dishes, tearing up the trash or toilet paper roll, unloading her purse...
Depending on the amount of naptime taken during the day, sometimes it becomes necessary to cry through dinner. This alerts the family that it is bath, bottle and bed time an hour early. If this is unneccesary because optimal sleep has been achieved, acting like a human garbage disposal is always Plan B. If the food doesn't all fit into my stomach, I still feel the need to clear my plate, so I just dump it into my lap or onto the floor for the dogs.
And there you have it - a day in the life of Reese!
Click here for pictures of the week
Click here for pictures by Ms. Emilee
I can't believe Reece is 10 mo. old. She is such a happy baby, and I know she likes her sisters around to play with. What are you going to do this summer, Angela, when they are all home. Boy, is that going to be fun for them.