- Can CLIMB - up the stairs in a flash, onto the craft table or the dishwasher... anywhere she wants to be, she'll be there
-Takes 2-3 steps when prompted to, but is still shaky
-Mimics kissing sounds, especially around the dogs
-Says "Dada", "Ut-oh", and claps happily; can occasionally say "Mama" and likes to hiss the "s" sound
-Plays Pat-a-Cake
-Has been upgraded from her most common nickname - Trouble Reese - to Disaster Reese (by Avery). This is because there aren't many places Reese can't get to, and when she sees her sisters working on a project or playing, she wants in on the fun!
-Eats like a horse
-Is fully weaned and on bottles and formula (we haven't nursed in 4 full days!). She prefers to skip the milk altogether and go for food, though - she will take only 2-4 ounces most feedings
-weighs 20 pounds (according to our home scale)
-had an overnight guest - we set up a bed in Reese's room for Kate to sleep in when Avery is sick or needs alone time and Kate spent two nights in there. The two girls were giddy. Who knew a 10-month-old could throw a slumber party like that? Kate said, "Mommy, I am enjoying this. And I hold Ree-Ree's hand like Aunt Amanda used to hold your hand." Sweet sisters!
-Has said goodbye to the infant car seat and upgraded to a backwards facing 'big girl' carseat
-Is well on her way to being a big kid! We love the moments that are flying by because each one of them shows Reese to be fully herself: loving, happy, and inquisitive
Happy 10 Months, Reese! You're amazing!
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