Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Four Months, Reese!

During the last month, I got a strong sense that Reese is going to grow up so quickly that I'm somehow going to miss the milestones while I'm focusing on another kid. As if she read my mind, the little angel waited until I was sitting on the floor with her to roll for the first time. It was such a blessing and a reassurance that although we're busy, Little Miss Ree is very much a part of our busy-ness and her milestones will be just as crucial and precious as the other girls'.

So, Reese currently rolls from her back to her front over her right shoulder. Occasionally, she'll roll back, but usually she just ends up stuck on her belly.

She is so much fun and such a classic baby. She hits milestones in exactly the way text books describe - she gurgles and coos and found her toes and this week she started batting at objects and grabbing them, and she does it every single time she sees something dangling above her.

Which leads me to: this is a frustrating phase for Ree. She grabs the objects on her mobile and then gets angry with it for not moving. She pulls her pacifier out of her mouth and then gets angry that it's gone. She rolls to her stomach and then yells for someone to roll her back to her front. Poor baby girl can't keep up!

We also laugh because it would seem that Reese is a 6 month old in her mind's eye. She tries to sit by crunching her stomach muscles but of course isn't able to yet... she throws herself towards the table for big person food... she's the size of a 6 month old...

At her doctor's appointment, Reese weighed 14 lb 8 oz (68th percentile) and was 24.25 inches long (48th %tile - although her head only measures in the 22nd %tile!). Everything looked great and she took the shots like a champ, although she was extra fussy for the rest of the week. I swear it's teething as well, but nothing has definitively popped out yet so I guess we'll wait and see.

And, going for an all-time low on nicknames added in any month, she's only accrued one more: Reetie (sometimes Reet).

Our little pile of rolls, giggles and smiles. We adore you, Reese Sue. Happy four months!

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