Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Two Months, Reese!

Reese turned two months old on Tuesday. During the last month, she has been busy...

Between four and six weeks, she started really using her neck muscles and holding her head up to try to see the world.

At six weeks old, she began smiling at Mommy, and by the end of the week, she was blessing everyone with her smile. It is heart melting and so earnest. We are suckers for her smile.

Right now, Reese still takes a 3 am feeding (11 pm, 3 am, 7 am), but if she's realllllly tired she'll skip it from time to time - which gives this Mama lots of hope for the future!

That baby is the biggest McClinton baby by a long haul. She's already in 3-6 month clothes (it feels like she's trying to grow faster than even time dictates! And time already goes by too fast!) Her 2 month stats are: 11 lb 9 oz (68%tile), 22.75 inches long (63%tile). Reese was born into roughly the 50th percentile for weight and height but isn't following the average bell curve... she's jumping up to the heavy weight division. We're super glad that she's so healthy and so unique. Way to grow, Reesie!

Reese is an active girl, although she still lays flat on her back most of the time. The girls like to giggle when Reese flails her arms and legs and make up what they think she's doing. "Mommy, Reese is fighting with the air!" or "Mommy, now Reese is trying to ride a bike!" She's quite the mime.

Reese has earned herself even more nicknames. Kate's favorite is "Ree Hee Poo" (Reesie Poo), but Reese also goes by Ree Ree, Cheeks (sometimes Cheeks McGee), Pieces (yes, after Reese's Pieces) and sometimes even Piecie.

The most accurate nickname she's been given, though, comes from Nana. When we text about the kids, we always use their initials... "K had so much fun in the pool!" or whatever. Reese, on text, is "TGTBT". Too Good To Be True.

And she really, really is. She is an angel of a baby and goes along with whatever the family is doing. If an infant can learn to be a team player, then my kid has done it.

Reese, you bless us with your precious cheeks, your easy-going demeanor and your endearing coos and gurgles. You are pure, ridiculous cuteness and joy.