Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

After her first day back to school, Avery came home and handed out notices that read, "Family Meeting in Reese's Room at 4:15".  Seeing that is was already 4:45, she agreed to host the meeting after dinner that night.

The meeting included important reminders ("Mom, remember I have Eureka tomorrow.  Will you be there?"), a special announcement ("The 2nd graders are having a school play and I want to try out for a speaking part!") and then she led us through sharing our New Year's Resolutions.

Here they are:

1. Learn to knit
2. Learn three songs on my guitar
3. Have more "good choices" days and earn a popsicle stick every day (which she earns at home for exceptional behavior)

1. Learn to knit (Avery asked her to make this one of hers)
2. Learn to play the drums correctly
3. Learn to ride a bike without training wheels

Reese thought the family meeting in her room was great fun and did many gymnastics moves rather than share her resolutions, so the family came up with two for her:
1. Start sleeping through the night in her own bed (instead of crying all the way down the stairs and into Mom's bed every night at 1 am)
2. Stop wearing diapers for naptime

Avery's kept her resolution to have more good behavior days.  We have been impressed at her ability to lead the pack in obedience and thoughtfulness!  That popsicle cup is filling up.

((No other pictures from the week.  Mama took the week off!:)))

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