Monday, October 14, 2013

Sunlight in Struggles

Sometimes I struggle, even when nothing is really wrong.  Sometimes it's just a struggle to keep everyone healthy and on time to their activities with all of their homework.  Sometimes it's just a struggle to think about what to feed my picky kid one more time or how to help a child memorize facts for class.  Sometimes I notice how many dirty clothes there are and how messy the house is, and I just feel discouraged at the job I'm doing.

When things get frustrating or exhausting or disheartening, little rays of sunshine come in the form of drawings done late at night in a series.  God sends me this reminder in red marker and sketch books: being Mom is significant.

Being Mom might feel like a losing battle sometimes, but my girl's take-away is not Mom's grumpiness last week or the mess in the kitchen.  Her take-away is that Mom and Dad are together, that she is safe, and that she is proud of her family.  God made kids to be little encouragers.  Readily accepting the best in me and putting aside the mistakes.  And I'm so grateful, because sometimes I need it.

Motherhood is messy and I'm way too familiar with the sorrow of mistakes, but God made kids to be eager in love and forgiveness.

I'm so grateful that with all of my imperfections, these babies love me and claim me as theirs.

Click here for pictures

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