As a part of the festivities, we collected memories and filled 60 envelopes with memories to honor his 60 years. I'm excited to say that the envelopes were filled before his own kids had a chance to write special memories. I imagine that's what happens when you've lived a full, thoughtful life.
Since we certainly have memories of our own of such an extraordinary man, I am going to catalog mine here.
When I think back and try to pinpoint memories of my dad, the first thing that comes to mind is a general awareness rather than a specific memory. My dad was always serving in some capacity. And what stood out to me, even as a young child, is that his service was willing. He would never complain and would always willingly see a need and step in to fill it. When I began to get old enough to want things in my own life, one of the first things I decided I wanted was a willing servant's heart, just like my dad's. Jesus tells us that the last shall be first, and I see the fruits of that in my dad, who is an amazing servant and yet such a respected and capable leader in so many aspects of his life.
When I would have trouble sleeping at night, sometimes my dad would come in. He would sit beside me on the bed, and in a calming tone, he would speak to me in a way that allowed my young soul to relax. Inevitably, by the time my d
ad left my bedside a few moments later, I would be ready to sleep. I use his same tone and words on my children now, knowing how much they stilled my spirit when I was young.
Once in college, I used an eye cream that made my eyes puff up horribly right before my first day of classes. I called home, crying about how horrible I would look when I was making first impressions. My dad, as always, knew exactly what to tell me. "Just think of what those people will think when they meet you a second time. They'll think, 'Wow, that girl was cute, but I didn't notice just how beautiful she really is until just now!'" He always knows how to speak to my worries and concerns in a way that removes the fear, and regardless of how silly the fear may be, he always gives such respect to the need for reassurance.
A father shapes so much of a little girl's world. From her view on relationships to her self-confidence to her understanding of a loving and holy God, fathers hold such a weighty responsibility when raising a little girl. I have thousands of memories with my dad: some funny, many tender, some firm, some tearful. But all of my memories of my father point to one thing: he has loved his wife and children well and has deliberately and successfully held the weight of his God-given responsibility. He is a man who loves well, and we are blessed.
Click here for pictures of the week.
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