Monday, June 4, 2012

A Farewell to Kindergarten

Avery's foray into the wide world of Kindergarten was the single biggest milestone in our lives; it was emotional, it was beautiful, it was fun and it was challenging.

Avery's first day of school - August 2011
I've made it no secret that Mama dealt with the ripples of such an event off and on all year.  It's been a journey for Avery and I've experienced my own journey as she took on big, long hallways; crowded, noisy lunchrooms; rules and expectations; learning; and most of all as she made friends apart from my direct influence and outside of my play-by-play guidance.

Avery's last day of school - May 2012

Given how proud and moved I've been by the entire experience, I fully expected the farewell to Kindergarten to be in line with the rest of the year: emotive, bittersweet, feeling as though my chest would explode because of who Avery has become.

Ah, but God knows my sense of humor and He knows what I need and we had the best time smiling together, He and I, over how the end of school went.

For weeks, Avery came home singing very poignant and cute songs in preparation for the Celebration of Learning.  We'd marked our calendars, charged our cameras, and prepped my heart for the big event.  However, on the morning of the the Celebration of Learning, Avery woke up sick.  No fever, no obvious symptoms, but the child could not stay awake.  She took a 3 hour nap in the middle of what would've been her Celebration of Learning.  Poor thing doesn't even take naps when she has strep.

I was pretty disappointed, but what can you do?  Avery took it in stride and accepted that she'd missed the big event.  I thought about how the last time I was in the school as a Kindergarten mom, I didn't even realize it would be my last time since I planned on being back for the Celebration of Learning....

...but I was still sure I'd have a chance to be sentimental.

Well, the last two days of school, Jordan came down with a miserable stomach bug and was locked in our room in bed for the duration.  With him down, taking care of all 3 kids nonstop didn't leave much time for reflection about how far we've come and all God has done through this school year... but no problem, right?

I figured I'd spend a few moments of reflection watching her walk across the street one last time as a Kindergartner...

Except that on Thursday, our last day of school, I planned poorly and ended up rushing to get Avery in time.  We were running so late that I missed seeing her walk from the building down the sidewalk and I didn't even have time to put Kate's shoes on before we went to our little spot on the corner.

All of the Kindergarten walkers had crossed the street and I was still straining to see Avery.  Her friends had come, but no Avery.  And then, a little sad faced girl came limping across the street, her teacher supporting her by the arms, because Avery had fallen on her way down the sidewalk and skinned both knees.  And bless her heart, when she looked down and realized they were really quite bloody, she just lost it.  Another mom grabbed Reese for me so I could carry Avery to the car, followed by bare-footed Katie.  And then it started lightening and thundering.

At this point I could see that we wouldn't be having any moments of reflection and I started being highly amused with how the day had gone.

When we got home, Jordan had used the little energy he had to wrap the door and put up a sign that read, "Summer is here!"  Poor Avery wasn't able to stop crying long enough to take it all in and pushed past the door.  She laid on the couch and - I kid you not - took another two hour nap.

Our first family event to celebrate summer went in a similar fashion: we used the girls' own money and paid $9 in dimes at Ceramics by Tess, Kate dropped her bag of change three times, Reese stood up in her stroller and then pulled a very loud metal chair down on herself, Kate's ceramic figurine had a mishap with the concrete sidewalk... and we thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

I mean, God tells us that there are times for reflection and times for sentiments.  This week was more about times of laughter, acceptance, and embracing the moments that make life so real.

Click here for pictures of the week

Congratulations on your first year of "real" school, Avery Leigh!  We are so deeply proud and love the fast, unexpected moments watching you grow just as much as the slower, more reflective ones! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much Avery has grown, and matured since she started Kindergarden. Loved comparing the pictures. The last week of school, will be engraved in your memory. I know it wasn't funny, but couldn't help but grin a little.
