*is B.U.S.Y.! She is full-time crawling and is into everything. Her favorites are the cat food, cat water, and any pieces of fuzz she can find on the ground. She keeps us all on our toes!
*is working on teeth #s 4 and 5 - the top middle teeth. They've cut through and we're waiting for the full toothy grin that's on its way
*is over baby food. We can trick her into eating it sometimes, but she loves finger foods. Favorites are pretzels, crackers, peeled and cut grapes, apples, and banana, and pastas of all kinds. We've introduced cheese and eggs and she's fine with them but it wasn't necessarily love at first taste.
*is, amazingly, starting to get over things she loved in months past, especially her jumperoo and Gerber puffs.
*she loves her walker! She is all over the living room in it and doesn't seem to notice that she's somewhat contained.
*has started spending time in the pack and play while we clean or cook. She tolerates it well enough, and it saves us from digging cat food out of her cheeks every few minutes.
*HATES to be told no. It breaks her heart and she doesn't bounce back easily.
*weighs 17 pounds 14 ounces on our at-home scale.
*has started taking her night feeding in bottle form and has accepted formula without a fight.
*is still absolutely, completely, unmistakably joy personified.
Happy 8 months, Reese! We adore you!
Click here for pictures of the week
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