Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Three Months, Reese!

Reese is three months old today. Still chubby, still happy, still amazing.

She weighs 13 pounds 5 ounces!

She isn't yet rolling over (both of her sisters rolled front to back by 3 months), but we think this is because of the amount of time she spends in a sling, bouncy chair, or car seat. When we are at home, Reese strongly prefers her back. We've been trying to give her more tummy time this week so she'd have the opportunity to learn to roll over, but she says, "NO THANK YOU!" (She rolls about 1/4 of the way from her back to her side, but is just so content to lie, so there's no real urgency for her.)

For her three month birthday, Reese is getting evicted from her cradle in our room. Poor girl barely fits in it anymore because she's gotten so big, so Mama will be making the 3 am trek to her room every night from now on. I heard big babies sleep better, but Reese says big babies love milk too much to skip a feeding.

Reese's smiles are just about too much. They melt us. And she has a giggle, a chuckle, and a full on laugh that we can elicit. Laughing always leads to hiccups, but we all agree - it's worth it!

Happy three months, my happy, easy, lovable chunk!

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