Monday, February 28, 2011

The Great Outdoors

It feels so warm outside and we've been loving every second of the outdoor time. Great Outdoors, we've missed you!

Kate and I like to play Sleeping Family outside (Mom's not sure how this one originated or why it has to happen outside, but she's not arguing). We also had some sand in the sandbox last week, but Kate threw it all out onto the ground. I consider this to be intolerable!

Since the weather was so beautiful last weekend, and since Daddy's home improvement project has been put off another week (back orders from Lowe's), we had a beach day on Saturday! We got to go feed the seagulls, chase Daddy on the beach, build sandcastles, make sand angels, collect sea shells, and dip our toes in the cold water. It was so much fun! Mom had big plans for trying out her new camera on the scenic Strand, but as it turns out, we were there on Mardi Gras weekend and the crowds weren't worth the effort for us. That was fine by me... the beach was all I really cared about!

After Galveston, we spent more time outside - in Nana and DD's sandbox and in their hot tub. Being outdoors is so much fun!

Avery "Outside at Long Last" McClinton

1 comment:

  1. So much fun at the beach. Reminds me when we lived in Corpus, and your Nana played in the sand. I also liked the singing, Avery.
