Sunday, April 18, 2010

Boys Vs. Girls

Mommy and I have been noticing some basic differences between us girls and some of the guys in our lives.

Boys: Have camping parties with live goldfish and caterpillars and crickets.
Girls: Give royal nicknames to the ladies in my family: Princess Maya (me), Princess Candice Alicia (Kate), Princess Bat Girl (Mommy), and Princess Polka Dot (Amelia). (And when people ask me if Mommy is a Super Hero, I get very confused. A Super Hero? No, she just happened to get a bat ring in a prize box the other day.)

Boys: Go camping and eat their share of wild game. Including a rabbit. And a snake.
Girls: Go to Disney on Ice. Dressed as princesses.

It's probably better that Mommy had girls. And so far, that we're happy being girly for the most part. She's good at tea parties and dressing in princess attire. Not so much with acting brave around bugs.

Princess Maya McClinton


  1. Love the pictures-the girls have a good time with each other. Looks like Katie's hair is getting lighter and curly like Avery.

  2. I see you elected to not include a picture of a skinned squirrel with your weekly pics. Can't imagine why not??

  3. They look precious! Thanks for sharing! Yes, the difference is crazy! As a mother of both - I have to switch hats often... from playing swords (made from just about anything) to playing arts & crafts, Barbies & princess.

  4. So true! I was cracking up the other day when Will said: "Mom when you go to the Reptile house you have to be brave." He's caught on that reptiles are not my thing, but I'm trying really hard for him. Enjoy those princesses of yours!
