Mommy and Daddy started telling me a few weeks ago that soon I was going to get to spend 5 whole days with Nana and DD. They told me where they were going, but I was too excited to listen. The night before it was time to go stay with Nana and DD, Daddy came to check on me 2 hours after I went to bed. I was shaking, sweating, and tossing and turning. I told Daddy, "It's just too hard to sleep on exciting nights!" DD said he was too excited to sleep, too.
On Thursday morning, Kate and I went to DD's house. Nana had to work, but DD took me to ballet class. He said he saw me dance a Mexican hat dance, but when he asked me about it, I told him, "That's the American hat dance." Then he took us to go visit Nana at her work. After rest time, Nana and DD told me they got me a present for each day that Mommy and Daddy were away. Thursday's present was a Barbie 4 wheeler! I loved it, except that the first time I put my foot on the pedal, it jerked me a little when it started moving. So, instead, I used it as a very large play car that sits still and does not drive. I asked Nana if she was going to go back to work, and Nana told me she took some days off so she could have an Avery vacation. I told her, "And I will have a Nana vacation!"
Friday, I got to go play with Hannah and then Nana and DD met us at Chick fil A. I told Nana, "This was too fast!" But little did I know, we had to go home for rest time so that Nana and DD could pack. After rest time, we got to go to Lockhart! We spent the whole weekend there, playing with dolls, celebrating Mimi's birthday, making cookies, swinging in Nanny's swing, and telling stories to all of my aunts and uncles. (A favorite story: "There was a princess named Norah, and she had an ark. Then a prince came and saved her and her animals!" or, "Jonah was swallowed by a whale, and a princess lived in there, too, and then they got spit up and it was a miracle!" I also invited everyone to a special place in Mimi's house called Lalasia, but they had to have a key to get in. Luckily, I was Princess of Lalasia and knew exactly where the key was.
On Monday, Nana and DD took me to school. I told DD it was a class just for Butterflies and since he wasn't a Butterfly, he couldn't come. He said he was a Dinosaur, and so I called him that all weekend. I don't know why, but it made Nana and DD laugh when I'd say that. When they dropped me off, I told DD, "Only Butterflies go to school all day, but Dinosaurs are able to come to pick up the little Butterflies." And so he did.
While I was at school, Nana took Kate to her Little Gym class. Katie did really well and loved the bubbles and forward rolls (and showing off her skills to Nana).
Last night, Mommy and Daddy came home on an airplane. Mommy says she was happy to see that everyone was still smiling and energetic when she got back from her vacation, and Nana and DD said that they had a wonderful time. And as for Kate and me? It was like a dream come true!
Avery "Nana and DD Vacation!!" McClinton
I think the girls did have fun in Lockhart, I know I enjoyed them. I didn't know Avery had a real camera, so I made a face when she took my picture. Bad Nanny.