Zoobilee, Friday night:
On the way home from the Zoobilee, Reese said, "I tell my Nana and DD about zoo! I tell them... me see zebras (actually, giraffes)! And me see... um, monkeys. Um... ell-phants, and lion, and tiger. And bears! And Avery go feed them through edge... she feed wettice (lettuce) to dwaaffes (giraffes)."
Texas Children's Hospital Fun Run, Saturday Morning:
Kate has told me many times that she wants to join Josh and I on our runs, so we signed the older girls up for a family fun run. Avery ran alongside me and
held hands for the whole 1K, and Kate was planning to hold Daddy's hand. But when the race started, he just wasn't fast enough for her. Jordan was trying to keep pace with Avery and I, but Kate kept pulling his arm and trying to weave in and out of the crowd to go faster. She was all smiles; shoulders back and head high. Jordan told her that she could run ahead and he'd keep up with her, and she bolted. She was confident, proud and fast! It was so much fun to watch her come alive and own that race.
Astros Opening Game, Saturday Night:
Avery got a special invitation to go to the Astros game with Nana and DD, Aunt Melinda and Wayne, and Cousin Kathryn and Elvis. She wrote an essay about it to share with her teacher the next week at school:
The Big Ball Game, by Avery
When I went to the Minute Maid Park with my Nana and DD, I got club level seats. We even got our own room! When it started I got a hot dog. Also in the beginning the Astros were doing great! In the third inning we got popcorn. Then it was the middle of the game, and the Astros weren't doing as well. In the sixth inning, we bought peanuts. While we waited, I saw the Budweiser horses! The score was 5 for the Angels and 1 for the Astros. Then it was the 7th inning and we sand the Old Ball Game and Deep in the Heart of Texas. Finally it was the 8th inning. We got ice cream. We got in Nana's car and watched Frozen on our way home. I loved the ball game!
Click here for pictures of the week
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