Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It Takes A Village...

Avery had two major school performances this week.  And as Mama has juggled three children and school for herself and Daddy has managed new projects at work and his usual worship responsibilities, we have fully embraced the idea that it takes a village to raise our children.  Carpools, playdates, help picking kids up from school... in order for me to be at a party for one class, Nana attends another, and Reese spends time with a friend or on the iPad at home while Daddy tries to still get work done.

Avery's performances this week were a fitting sampling from life with three busy kids in three seasons of life.

On Monday, Avery was Georgia O'Keefe in her GT Living Museum.  Props and costumes were required, and family help was encouraged. She had the idea to paint one of O'Keefe's paintings on canvas as one of her props.  DD came over and helped her, showing her how to use feathering techniques and gently cleaning up sections of the canvas.  For weeks leading up to the performance, she practiced with Daddy on memorizing the speech and on presentation.  The night of the event, Mom grabbed Avery from school and took all the girls to ballet while Daddy ran to get dinner at just the right timing for it to be warm and ready in the car for the drive over to the school.  Avery ate, changed into costume and was ready to step into character right as the Living Museum Night started.  And, as Avery rocked Georgia O'Keefe, her sisters might have needed a little guidance in not getting in the way... cue Nana and DD for distraction and containment.

On Thursday, Avery had three performances of The Principal and the Pea, her second grade school play.  She and Daddy worked hard for weeks before try-outs and Avery earned a speaking role during the last song.  While Mom was at school Thursday morning, Nana attended the first performance of the day.  Mom and sisters got there in time for second performance, and after running back and forth to gymnastics with complicated variations of Mom and Dad drivers, her evening performance was attended by all of her adoring fans.

Not every day is busy.  In fact, many days are not.  But when the schedule piles up, Avery knows it takes a village!

Click here for pictures

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